WLMA 2015 Preconference:
Morning 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
- Secondary Technology Integration: Connecting, Creating & Collaborating in YOUR Library through Technology
- Elementary Book Talks: All of my students are reading the same book. What do I give them next?
- Bookbinding and Book Arts: Pop-ups and Movable Books in the Curriculum
- CCSS Elementary: How Teacher-Librarians can Partner with Classroom Teachers to
Increase Student Success
- Right Question Secondary: Student Designed Questions: Participants will examine the Question Formulation Technique, which teaches students to create their own questions, and then apply it to their own teaching
Afternoon 1:00-4:00 PM
- Elementary Technology Integration: Teacher-Librarians Maximizing Learning Through Digital Resources
- Secondary Book Talks: Personal Power: Awaken Your Inner Librarian with Giant Steps –Spice Upyour Library Collection with the Hottest, Latest Books
- Bookbinding and Book Arts: Pop-ups and Movable Books in the Curriculum
- CCSS Secondary: How Teacher-Librarians can Partner with Classroom Teachers to
Increase Student Success
- Right Question Elementary:Student Designed Questions: Participants will examine the Question Formulation Technique, which teaches students to create their own questions, and then apply it to their own teaching
Elementary Booktalks: All of my students are reading the same book. What do I give them next?
Presenters: Raina Sedore and Sara Lachman
Raina Sedore and Sara Lachman have been working with kids in libraries for around fifteen years collectively, primarily as Youth Services Librarians at the busy Lacey and Olympia branches of the Timberland Regional Library system. In these positions, they visit local elementary schools regularly to promote books, reading, public library resources, and the Summer Reading Program to community students.
Both Raina and Sara hold B. A.s in Theatre (Sara's is also in English) and Masters in the Library Science field. They both enjoy nerdy board games and cheese.
Bookbinding: Pop-ups and Movable Books in the Curriculum
Presenter: Anne Bingham
Pop-ups and Movable Books are great projects to use in math, science, language arts, history or for any school or community event. Make pop-ups, flag books, origami books, talking mouths, and mores. Explore the handmade book as a creative container for ideas.Teachers will leave with models to help your students become effective producers and presenters of information. Supports Common Core goals.
Anne Bingham is a teacher librarian, bookbinder, letterpress printer, ukulele player and falafel enthusiast. She is Library Director at University Prep in Seattle, where she gets to make many book arts projects with students and teachers.
Common Core State Standards. How Teacher-Librarians can Partner with Classroom Teachers to Increase Student Success.
Presenters: Lindsey Stevens and Shannon Francisco
![](/assets/WLMA/Conf2015/lindseystevens.jpg) In this session participants will dig deeper with the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts as well as, History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects. Participants will have time and guidance for developing Common Core aligned lesson plans, activities and best practices. Participants will reflect on where they are in their understanding of the standards, the three shifts of the common core, and how they can be a partner (and sometimes hero) to their colleagues in the classroom.
Shannon has been a teacher of 2nd and 4th grade students for 12 years and she currently teaches and serves as a mentor teacher in the Sumner School District. She is Nationally Board Certified and a Washington State Fellow in English Language Arts. She has been a leader with the Gates Foundation's Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching program and in August served this year as one of their Keynote Speakers.
Lindsay Stevens is a NBCT from Tacoma Wa. She currently serves as a mentor teacher for secondary teachers in the Sumner School District. She has been a literacy trainer and Puget Sound Teacher Leader for the PSESD for the last three years and she currently blogs for them on their site http://corelaborate.psesd.org/.
Lindsey is very interested in strong instructional practices, teacher leadership and collaborative communal learning.
Student Designed Questions: Participants will examine the Question Formulation Technique, which teaches students to create their own questions, and then apply it to their own teaching.
Presenters: Molly Berger and Jodi Marie Hufendick
The ability to produce questions, improve questions and prioritize questions may be one of the most important, yet too often overlooked skills that a student can acquire in their formal education. (The Right Question Institute) Come join us in exploring this process that teaches students to create their own questions and in doing so to develop their critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving skills.
Molly Berger is currently a program coordinator at ESD 105 in Yakima, managing media resources and giving professional development for literacy, social studies, educational technology, and instructional strategies. She has 30 years of classroom experience in language arts and social studies. She has been published in English Journal, Washington English Journal, and was a contributor for Lesson Plans for Developing Digital LiteraciesChristel and Sullivan, NCTE 2010. She has presented workshops on the state and national level. She has a Masters in Education, is Nationally Board Certified, and has a certificate in Elearning Design and Development.
Jodi Marie Hufendick is currently a teacher on special assignment for English Language Arts in Common Core for the Yakima School District. In addition to this, she is also a facilitator for Pro-Teach for Entry 3 at ESD105. She has created and trained a variety of professional learning opportunities including two sessions at the Washington Language Arts Council Annual Convention. She has 14 years of classroom experience in English Language Arts. She is currently completing her Masters degree in Instructional Design, is Nationally Board Certified, and is a 2012 Learning Forward Academy Graduate.
Teacher-Librarians Maximizing Learning Through Digital Resources
Presenters: Morgen Larsen and Mary Lou Moglia
Teaching Librarians Maximizing Learning through Digital Resources will help TL’s meet the every increasing curricular and instructional demands of Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards by utilizing digital resources that most of us already have access too. You will leave this session with take-away lesson plans and ideas that you can immediately put into use in your school library. Bring your own digital device, as we will be working with databases, websites, and other digital tools.
Morgen Larsen and Marylou Moglia have been the dynamic duo of teacher-librarians for over five-years. Their quirky and enthusiastic approach at teaching Library Information Technology sets them apart from the traditional book and mortar elementary library. In times of instructional crisis, guidance is often sought from their Nancy Pearl librarian action figures.
Marylou and Morgen aren’t merely limited to the world of the bibliophile. Marylou can tell you why the wing shape of the Schistocerca gregaria maximizes its lift, while Morgen can arbitrate your next staff meeting using strict Parliamentary Procedure.
These two energetic ladies have come together to show all teacher-librarians that technology integration is possible, plausible and probable in every school library, regardless of your situation. This session will provide great resources for the tech terrified to the subdirectory savvy.
Personal Power: Awaken Your Inner Librarian with Giant Steps –Spice Up your Library Collection with the Hottest, Latest Books
Presenters : Michael Fleming and Diane Ferbrache
![](/assets/WLMA/Conf2015/beard%20face.jpg) Has your inner librarian been slumbering while stuffed under a thick layer of time constraints, family demands, and SBAC testing? Have you forgotten the power of intentional reading of YA novels? If you think, believe and claim that those YA novels by your bed are conquered and read. Of course, they aren’t going to magically be read, so you had better come to this class to be aware of the latest and greatest in the field of Young Adult literature.
Diane and Michael will present a three-hour class that will act like a whirlwind of change, sweeping aside your dormancy and activating your potential as a book-purchaser and reading advisor for your students. Diane and Michael each read hundreds of books a year, and they will strip away any hindrances keeping the giant potential in you restrained. Participants will get a look at the 2015 "must know" fiction and non-fiction YA titles to recommend to teens of all ages (6th grade and up) in your library/classroom, as well as "hot titles" to keep an eye out for in 2016. Participants will take away an annotated bibliography of suggestions across genres including the typical (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Historical/Realistic), as well as the not-so-typical (Series & Sequels, Not to Miss Non-Fiction, New Books by Big Name Authors, Quiet Gems, and Middle School appropriate titles).
Michael Fleming is the librarian at Pacific Cascade Middle School in Issaquah. As well as being co-President of WASHYARG, he was a member of the Best Fiction for Young Adults committee from 2010-2012, reading well over a thousand YA books during that time. He served on the Morris committee for YALSA, a selection committee that picks the best debut author of the year for YA books in 2013. He was a member of the Michael L. Printz Award Committee for 2014. He also reviews books for Unshelved.com, the popular library comic strip. If he is not surreptitiously reading in bed, trying to keep the light from waking his sleeping wife, he is golfing, playing old man basketball, or trying to come up with creative ways to pay for his 3 boys in college and one girl heading there. This is Michael's fifth year presenting at WLMA.
Diane Ferbrache is the librarian at Hazen High School in Renton, WA. In addition to being at Hazen full time, she is the Library TOSA/Facilitator working with all 22 libraries (& librarians) across the Renton School District. A member of WASHYARG, the Evergreen Award committee, and a reviewer for Unshelved.com, Diane reads both print and ebooks in all genres, but especially enjoys realistic and historical fiction. Born and raised in south Texas, Renton has been home for 21 years. In her spare time, she travels with her husband of 41 years – reading while he fly-fishes. She has two grown sons, one amazing daughter-in-law and an almost 2 year old grandson. This is Diane’s 20th WLMA conference, but the first time presenting.
Both Michael and Diane are more than happy to talk with you about all things YA Lit, but please don't ask if they've read any adult books, because they are still both living a repressed, childlike lifestyle.
Secondary Technology: Connecting, Creating & Collaborating in YOUR Library through Technology
Presenters: Carrie Willenbring & Carina Pierce
![](/assets/WLMA/Conf2015/carina.jpg) The school library landscape continues to change with the adoption of the CCSS, increased focus on formative assessment, and more district dollars and resources being dedicated to technology initiatives and integration. These are all opportunities for teacher-librarians to continue to Connect, Create and Collaborate in the tech world and we’d love to share a few tools, ways for you to embed yourself, your resources and your skills in the planning and practice of your classroom teachers, as well as ensure library and information skills are being addressed and incorporated on a regular basis. We believe your time is not well spent if you can’t use at least one great thing when you get back to school on Monday...we will make sure your hands-on opportunities are relevant and immediately transferable to your own personal LibraryLand.
Carina Pierce (NBCT Library Media) has been teaching for eight years, six years as a teacher librarian after a very long absence from the classroom. She just completed her fifth year at Cougar Mountain MS in the Bethel School District
Carrie Willenbring just completed her 10th year as a Teacher-Librarian. She is changing roles and is currently a middle school social studies teacher in the Bethel School District and currently implementing 1:1 IPad program.