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Conference Session Descriptions

Thursday, November 2
Friday, November 3
Saturday, November 4
School Library Summit, Saturday, November 4

Thursday, November 2

10:00am - 11:15am

Reading Conversations: Building a Community of Readers and Reading
Anyone in the library can be a reading advocate! For many library staff, readers’ advisory sounds intimidating because we feel like we have to be reading experts to give advice to readers. Instead, by emphasizing the “conversation” rather than the “advice” part of this dialogue, we focus on how staff at any level can create relationships with users. Trust is established through relationships, and users who trust the library will return again and again for help finding a good read. Listening is a skill so we practice talking with people about their reading and then building on that conversation.

Sponsor: WALT
Jeanne Fondrie, Learning Coordinator, Whatcom County Library System; Mary Kinser, Collection Development Librarian, Whatcom County Library System; Thom Barthelmess, Youth Services Manager, Whatcom County Library System
Track: Serving Adults

Booktalking the Best with CAYAS
Do you find it hard to keep up with all the new children and teen literature being released? Join CAYAS, WLA's Children’s and Young Adult Services Section, and students from the UW iSchool for a presentation packed full of new and new-to-you titles for your young patrons. These books will make connections with kid and teen readers on a personal level, pull their heartstrings, or just provide lots of fun. The presentation will conclude with an open mic for audience members to offer their own suggestions, so bring your best!

Sponsor: CAYAS
Erika Miller, CAYAS iSchool Representative and Library Assistant, Kitsap Regional Library; Rosalie Olds, King County Library System; Conan McLemore, Cascade Conservatory of Music
Track: Serving Youth

STEAM: Tiny Libraries Can Do It Too!
Everyone is talking about STEAM, robotics, and coding. This session will explain how two small libraries found the resources to create enriching STEAM programs for all ages. Program choices, formats, funding, the coolest new toys, partnerships created, success stories, and lessons learned will all be discussed. There will also be plenty of time for participants to play with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robots, We-Do 2.0 Robots, Ozobots, Dash & Dot, Snap Circuits, Code-a-Pillars, Eggbots, and some simple coding programs. Participants will leave with a number of low-tech, low-cost ideas for STEAM programs.

Sponsor: Timberland Regional Library
Speakers: Jamie Allwine, Winlock Library Manager, Timberland Regional Library; Jenny Penoyar, South Bend Library Manager, Timberland Regional Library; Karlyn Spevacek; District Youth Services Librarian, Timberland Regional Library
Track: All Ages Engagement

Creating Data Visualizations for Decision Making
As libraries become increasingly data-driven the need for useable data also expands. The process of translating raw data into actionable information is complicated and has many potential pitfalls. Learn how two large library systems are navigating this process to create and share visualizations to inform decisions. Attendees will learn best practices for the process of turning raw data into visualizations and how to tailor them for their intended audience.

Speakers: Lindsay Hanson, Data Analysis Librarian, Sno-Isle Libraries; David Christensen, Data Analysis Lead, Seattle Public Library
Track: Technology & Innovation

Leadership in the 21st Century: State and National Reflections on Advocacy
Join us for this dynamic panel discussion featuring prominent library leaders on the regional and national stage. Presenters will share their reflections on 21st century leadership and advocating for the future. Bring your questions and come prepared to be a part of this important conversation!  

Speakers: Cindy Aden, Washington State Librarian, Washington State Library; Jim Neal, President, American Library Association; Lauren Pressley, ACRL President-Elect, Director, UW Tacoma Campus Library; moderated by Brianna Hoffman, President, Washington Library Association
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Why You Need a Mentor (or Why You Should Be One)
You’d probably agree having a mentor is a good thing. But how do you even get a mentor? And what do you do with a mentor once you find one? And while you probably also agree that being a mentor is a good thing, maybe you think you don’t have the time, or that you’re just not ready to mentor someone. Mentoring can change the way you work and help you succeed, no matter which side of the relationship you’re on. In this interactive workshop, you’ll develop your own customized mentoring strategy and walk away with concrete steps to begin advocating for your own career today.

Spearker: Jennifer Caldwell Ciarvella, Staff Development Librarian, King County Library System

Reentry Success: How Libraries Can Contribute
In 2015 nearly 8,000 people were released from prison. They faced numerous barriers only some people can even imagine. Libraries already provide services that will assist these men and women reentering society. Internet access, a positive parenting environment, and compassionate welcoming staff all contribute to a successful reentry. Find out how staff in public and community college libraries can help remove barriers to a successful reentry and assist in creating a safer community.

Speakers: Anna Nash, Institutional Librarian, Washington State Library; Adrienne Breznau, Public Services Supervisor, Kitsap Regional Library; Laura Sherbo, Branch Library Services Program Manager, Washington State Library; Kay Kirkpatrick, Adult Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library; Deborah Sandler, Children’s Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library; Christopher Chrzan, Senior Librarian – Adult Services, Timberland Regional Library
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Lawyers in Libraries: Improving Access to Justice
The access to justice movement seeks to improve the public's ability to use the justice system to redress wrongs. Public libraries are an important ally in this goal and many public libraries have partnered with legal aid and pro bono attorney groups to provide space, technology, and publicity. This program will highlight the lawyers in libraries activities in Enumclaw and Bellingham as well as the statewide programs in Maine and Louisiana.

Sponsor: Washington State Law Library
Mary Fairhurst, Chief Justice, Washington Supreme Court; Rob Mead, State Law Librarian, Washington State Law Library; Jeffrey Hamilton, Reach Enumclaw Legal Clinic; Suzanne Carlson-Prandini, Public Services Librarian II, Bellingham Public LibraryMatt Kendall, Yakima Valley Libraries
Track: Resource Management

2:00pm - 3:15pm

The State of Business Reference: A Round Table Discussion
How is the state of your business reference? Are businesses coming to you? Are you serving their needs? Do you know their needs? Come join an open round table discussion of the state of business reference in Washington State. Learn what other systems are doing and how we can all do it better. Any library that provides or wishes to provide reference to businesses is encouraged to attend. This will be helpful for all systems to get new ideas, share what has and has not worked, and how we can all help each other help businesses in the state succeed.

Speaker: Adam Jackman, Librarian, Pierce County Library; Lisa Heyerdahl, Pierce County Library System
Track: Serving Adults

English Language Arts Open Educational Resources
Open Educational Resources (OER) are free to use, edit, and share. They offer librarians the opportunity to do what they do best—curate quality educational resources and leverage them to assist teachers and students. This session will highlight how teacher-librarians can play a large role in supporting OER in the following areas: training teachers and students to perform effective OER searches; understanding review instruments used to evaluate quality; and modeling best practices in the development and adaptation of OER. We will also cover results from the 2017 OER K-2 ELA review and look at some exemplary resources. Come learn more about great OER materials currently available!

Sponsor: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Speakers: Barbara Soots, OER and Instructional Materials Program Manager, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Molly Berger, ELA Specialist, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Community Engagement Tools for Public Libraries  
Exceptional libraries go beyond just shelving the best sellers. They curate the best collections and find new avenues to provide the best content for their patrons. Today people want localized, relevant content. This session will delve into three case studies of libraries that went the extra mile to create new content by self-publishing or repurpose old content to drive engagement. You'll walk away with new insights on how to peak interest and bring old content back to life to get people talking.

Sponsor: Ingram Content Group
BJ Compau, Senior Sales Representative, Ingram Content Group
Track: All Ages Engagement

Open Data Belongs to the People
Open Data is the radical notion that government data belongs to the people, and if it's not private it should be published freely and without restrictions. Washington and California are collaborating on a grant-supported curriculum to bring open data home to community libraries. Attendees at this session will see one of the curriculum modules in action, explore the others, talk with some of the authors in the library and civic tech community, and help improve the curriculum itself. Learning objectives from the draft curriculum include: understand what open data is and how to use it; explain where open data can be found; assess whether the data you found will answer the question you're asking; identify different types of data visualization and how they can inform or mislead; comparing and combining data to tell a story or answer a question; and using feedback to improve the open data offered by your state or city.

Speakers: Will Saunders, Open Data Guy, WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer; Anne Neville, Research Bureau Director, California State Library
Track: Technology & Innovation

Art-Making for All of Us: Zines as Community Outreach
This session shares one university’s use of zines as campus and community outreach. Examples of zines-as-outreach in non-artist learning spaces include working with faculty to create a zine-making assignment in a “Drawing for Non-Majors” class, creating an 8-page mini-zine instead of a handout to deliver library information to journalism students, and assembling basic “zine making kits” available for checkout. These initiatives demonstrate that a library does not have to have a large zine collection in order to use zines as outreach tools to promote creativity and learning. Participants will leave with practical tips for assessing outreach and cultivating community relationships to support their own programming.

Sponsor: Miami University Libraries
Erin Vonnahme, Faculty Librarian, Skagit Valley College; Carly Sentieri, Curator of Special Collections, Miami University Libraries; Lori Chapin, Interim Art & Architecture Librarian, Miami University Libraries
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Moving Fluidly Between Library Jobs
With the changing landscape of libraries, there are more intersections between different types of libraries than ever before. What does it take to move between academic, public, and special libraries? What are the challenges and joys of the transitions? Our panel of library-shifters will discuss experiences, and strategies for successful changes—both applying for jobs and adjusting once you get there. Even if you aren’t planning on a change, hearing about other settings may spark ideas for reinvigorating your work in the library type of your choice!

Speakers: Ann Glusker, Research & Data Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine (UW Health Sciences Library); Isaac Huffman, Director, Mount Vernon City Library; Nono Burling, Outreach Librarian, Washington State Library; Cadi Russell-Sauve, Browse Developer & Taxonomist, Amazon.com; Madison Sullivan, Business Research and Instruction Librarian, University of Washington Libraries
Track: Professional Development

Introduction to Reimagining Transgender 'Inclusion' for Libraries
In this session, attendees will learn about the transgender community and how to make their library a safer space for transgender patrons and workers. We will begin with a Trans 101 presentation that shares best practices for providing customer service to transgender patrons. Then we'll practice identifying ways to make libraries and library programming more inclusive. Participants will be introduced to trans inclusive language and basic concepts about gender and sexuality, improved customer service to transgender patrons, and the opportunity for staff to move beyond basic respect to inclusion, representation, and creating safer spaces.

Speakers: Micah Kehrein, Library Associate II, Seattle Public Library; Sunny Kim, Teen Services Librarian, Seattle Public LibraryBean Yogi, Library Associate I, Seattle Public Library; Reed Garber-Pearson, Integrated Social Sciences Librarian, University of Washington
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Evaluate Your Way to Success: The Ins and Outs of Outcome-Based Evaluation
Are you looking for a way to communicate your library’s successes to your stakeholders? Are you wondering what impact your programming is having on your community? Are you sure you are offering the programs your community wants/needs? Come learn how using outcome-based evaluation and the ‘Data Tri-Fecta’ can help you identify your programs’ outcomes and impacts and how you can use them to align with strategic plans and goals, evaluate existing programs, and communicate the importance of your programs to users, policy makers and resource distributors.

Speakers: Brianna Hoffman, Project Coordinator, OCLC/WebJunction; Sam Wallin , Analyst / Special Project Coordinator, Fort Vancouver Regional Library
Track: Resource Development

3:45pm - 5:00pm

Integrating Library Services into Providing Dementia-Friendly Communities: Opportunities and Challenges
Persons with dementia and their carers are important community members and libraries are neutral and vital settings where patrons visit for information, creative programming and resources. In 2016, Washington State’s Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias Plan was released and includes a focus on how to encourage efforts in “Dementia friendly communities,” places that intentionally welcome those with dementia and their carers. This session will present ideas to implement ways to best serve library patrons with dementia, examples of creative programming, along with basics about dementia. Newly developed resources, and successful library programs in Washington, nationally and internationally will be discussed. A basic tool kit for libraries serving those with dementia and carers will be offered.

Speakers: Marty Richards, MSW, LICSW, Dementia Action Collaborative; Wendy Pender, Older Adult Project Specialist, King County Library System
Track: Serving Adults

Summer Reading Open Source - Yes We Can!
What happens when you eliminate the vendor from the online summer reading equation? After a successful 2016 implementation of the open source Great Reading Adventure, one library system invited library friends and neighbors to join in. With an offer to host as well as provide regional training, they are working to build a web of expertise throughout the region for summer 2017. Find out how it went and how you might make use of The Great Reading Adventure.

Speaker: Sally Chilson, Learning & Literacy Coordinator, Spokane Public Library
Track: Serving Youth

NaNoWriMo Write-In
Are you a writer on the side? Join other library staff who are also writers for an informal write-in during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This will be a great way to connect with other library staff and other writers -- and to get your word count goals! You don't have to be participating in NaNoWriMo to join us; bring your work-in-progress or whatever you'd like to write. Fuel your writerly self!

Speaker: Linda Johns, Reader Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library
Track: All Ages Engagement

Backchannels: Online Conversations to Enhance Participation
Backchanneling is a simultaneous digital conversation that is projected for the entire audience to participate in and see while an actual event, lecture, or real time discussion is taking place. This session will focus on backchanneling and when to implement it to provide a richer, more engaging class discussion. Attendees will practice a few different platforms, and go through the process of using various backchannel platforms and reflect on their experience. Learn how to attempt a brand new, cutting edge K-12 teaching activity using technology as the tool for a class discussion. Participants will learn how to incorporate it into their classroom, then set their own goals and expectations through the reflective process to help create meaningful lessons with their K-12 students and transform their classroom curriculum. This is a hands-on activity, please bring a charged device.

Speaker: Hillary M. Marshall, Library Media Specialist, Washougal High School
Track: Technology & Innovation

Partnering with Your School District to Provide Library Cards for Every Student
In January 2015, one library system launched the Pathway Partnership, a joint school and public library initiative that enabled Tacoma public school student IDs to function as library cards. Through the program, students in grades K-12 can check out five books throughout the school year and summer without the penalty of overdue fines and access digital resources. This effort has added over 30,000 new library card holds and put all students in Tacoma on the path to becoming lifelong library users. Hear about how the Pathway Partnership developed, how it has evolved, the technical requirements, and how you can start the conversation with your local school district to create a similar partnership in your community.

Speakers: Maria Shackles, Wheelock Branch Manager, Tacoma Public Library; Christine Bassett, IT Manager, Tacoma Public Library; Michelle Massero, Children's Librarian, Tacoma Public Library; Sara Sunshine Holloway, Teen Services Librarian, Tacoma Public Library
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Got a Strategic Plan - Now What?
Bring your strategic plan to this session and leave with at least one way to measure organization and community impact, proving the value of public libraries. Presenters will share their experience and lessons learned from utilizing outcomes-based measurement to identify operational metrics to evaluate success and improve accountability. They will discuss their roles in data analysis and project management and how they help service managers to implement and operationalize our strategic plan.

Speakers: Christa Werle, Public Services Project Manager, Sno-Isle Libraries; Lindsay Hanson, Data Analysis Librarian, Sno-Isle Libraries
Track: Professional Development

Out of the Fridge: Tackling Social Issues with Comic Books
Comics have always been political. From Superman fighting slum lords and crooked politicians in 1938 to Kamala Khan's struggles as a Muslim teenager crime fighter today. We at Out of the Fridge love to dive head first into these and other social issues that have permeated sequential art from its very beginning. Of special interest to us is sexism in comics. We have devoted several episodes of our show to that very topic to date. Join us in a discussion on the treatment of female leads in popular comics. We will delve into costume design, supporting cast, love interests, and much more. Play along as we mine the well worn tropes of the mrs male character, the "fridging" of female characters, and the classic damsel in distress.

Sponsor: SAIL
Speakers: Eric Manix, Photographer/Co-host, Out of the Fridge; Kelly Okler, Writer/Co-host, Out of the Fridge; Allison Poppy, Manager/Co-host, Out of the Fridge
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Core Voices: Infusing Indigenous Perspectives to Library Collections
In 2015, the Washington State Legislature passed SB5433 requiring the Since Time Immemorial Tribal Sovereignty curriculum be taught in every public K-12 classroom. This new mandate provides both collection development challenges and opportunities all types of libraries. As part of the Brooks Library’s plan to meet this challenge, Ginny Blackson applied for and received the 2016 Smithsonian Libraries’ Neville-Pribram Mid-Career Educators Award. The award provided the opportunity to conduct research at the National Museum of the American Indian and Vine Deloria Jr. Library.

This presentation will focus on the results of that research. Attendees will learn about tools to build outstanding collections that include indigenous perspectives. The session will explore ways to identify and evaluate Native American and Alaska Native resources. Additional, the presentation will discuss Ms. Blackson’s experience as a Smithsonian Fellow and information on Smithsonian Fellowships available to librarians.

Speakers: Ginny Norris Blackson, Collection Development Librarian, James E Brooks Library, Central Washington University
Track: Resource Management

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Friday, November 3

10:00am - 11:15am

Building a Writing Community at Your Library
Writers yearn for time and space to write – and for ways to connect with other writers. Get ideas from the team behind the popular Seattle Writes series for scalable programs for writers, ways to help people network and form writing groups, and how to host no-hassle write-ins. Author Martha Brockenbrough, who teaches with Seattle Writes, will talk about ways to showcase your local talent and also give a mini lesson to highlight the professional quality of library writing programs. Attendees will have tools for offering resources that will help writers with their works in progress, and will gain insight into writing instruction so that they are either motivated to write, or to tell others how great it is!

Sponsor: WLA
Speakers: Linda Johns, Reader Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library; Andrea Gough, Reader Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library; Martha Brockenbrough, author and writing instructor.
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Fighting Fake News: Beyond the Stanford Study
How can librarians help secondary students become critical consumers of digital information? Are you confident your students have the tools and skills to spot fake news? Learn fun and interactive ways to empower students to become critical users of news information. Attendees will receive access to a variety of online resources and teaching materials in addition to the November 2016 Stanford Research Study: Evaluating Information.

Speakers: Shana Ferguson, Teacher Librarian, Columbia River High School, Vancouver Public Schools; Katie Nedved, Teacher Librarian, Henrietta Lacks Health and Bioscience High School, Evergreen Public Schools; Julie Christian English Teacher, Columbia River High School, Vancouver Public Schools; Angela Vahsholtz-Andersen, Teacher Librarian, Discovery Middle School, Vancouver Public Schools
Track: Serving Youth

Reading Digitally: What We Know, What We Can Do
Students of all ages read both print and digital texts. We can bemoan or celebrate this, but our students need skills for both formats. What does it mean to read digitally? How does it compare with reading from paper? How can we help our students build their focus and comprehension when reading digitally? In this session we will examine our emerging understanding of how reading digitally affects our students and strategies to build their digital reading skills. We will also look at current work at the state level to address digital literacy. Appropriate for those who work with students of any age, especially K-12.

Speakers: Molly Berger, English Language Arts Specialist, Offices of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Track: All Ages Engagement

Secrets of the Data Whisperer: How You Can Engage Patrons with Data (and Learn to Love Data Yourself)
Our need to understand data in order to navigate everyday life has never been greater. As governments at all levels strive to make their data accessible to the public, and as data are highlighted in the media and public discourse, patrons are increasingly asking for help with understanding data and how to use it in a wide range of settings. Are we ready to help them? Heck yes! But it never hurts to have some “tools” handy to make data interactions smoother. This session will start with an overview of how data are created, maintained, analyzed, and visualized; it will move on to our data skills as librarians and how to hone them, and finish with some best practices in working with patrons around data literacy.

Speaker: Ann Glusker, Research & Data Coordinator, University of Washington Health Sciences Library/NN-LM PNR
Track: Technology & Innovation

Connected! Partnering to Increase Library Access for Students
To better partner with the schools in our service area and to provide improved access to library resources, one library system is creating a new category of user accounts just for students. The service area includes 23 different school districts and nearly 80,000 students. Learn the process they took to create a stronger partnership with public schools. The implementation in three types of school districts: large and bureaucratic, small town, and very rural will be discussed. Presenters will share the steps they took to accomplish this, including getting internal and external buy-in, data sharing agreements, goals and success measures, timelines, and teacher support.

Speaker: Jennifer Studebaker, Community Partnerships and Outreach Coordinator, Fort Vancouver Regional Library
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Anytime + Anywhere = Never: Tackling the Motivation Challenges of Continual Learning
We all aspire to be lifelong learners and we have all hit the snag of “Anytime + Anywhere = Never” ―the reality that unlimited access, unbounded time and lack of external motivators often means that our learning never gets off the ground. Drawing on case studies of learner success, knowledge of the workings of the brain, and an understanding of the “modern learner,” we will work collaboratively with participants to define solutions that will help us individually and collectively crest the wave and stay on top of our learning needs.

Speakers: Betha Gutsche, Programs Manager, OCLC/WebJunction; Elizabeth Iaukea, Project Manager, Washington State Library
Track: Professional Development

Helping Your Patrons With Accessibility Needs Become Limitless in Libraries!
Our population of patrons who have accessibility needs is growing and expanding to include seniors and others who may not identify as having a disability but still require customized support in the library. Specialized software like JAWS and Zoomtext has given way to accessible smart phones, tablets, and Nooks in the marketplace. Patrons who do not identify as disabled are seeking accessible tools and services, while our traditional users want to know what other accessible resources are out in the world. Hear how three library systems are connecting with people with special needs, and delivering services patrons enjoy and value!

Speakers: C.J. Glenn, Library Associate IV/Library Equal Access Program (LEAP), Seattle Public Library; Wendy Pender, Older Adults Project Specialist, King County Library System; Amy Ravenholt, Outreach & Borrower Services Librarian, Washington Talking Book & Braille Library
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

She Works Hard for the Money: Grants and Community Collaboration to Diversify Funding
Grants can be a big boost for libraries, allowing us to offer fun programs or series, get travelling exhibits, or be awarded big dollars for expanding library services. Library staff who have written several successful grants will talk about the many grant opportunities out there, what to include in a grant application, how to create measurable outcomes, and the importance of community partners in enriching the grant experience. Get the unique perspective of a city employee who works with community block development grants; specifically created to impact underserved library communities and increase visibility. Finally, leave with your own action list!

Sponsor: SAIL
Vanessa Strange, Librarian, Spokane County Library District; Ellen Peters, Community Engagement Manager, Spokane Public Library; Rae-Lynn Barden, Administrative Services Coordinator, Spokane Public Library
Track: Resource Development

2:00pm - 3:15pm

Helping Patrons Get Smart & Get Hired
Learn how one library system developed system-wide programs for adult learners and job seekers. Gain insight into how "Get Smart" and "Get Hired" programming connects our customers to resources, one-on-one assistance, and our community partners. Discussions regarding how we grew small ideas into system wide programs, cultivated interdepartmental relationships, and how we garnered support from front line staff in promoting these successful programs.

Speakers: Jaime Prothro, Customer Experience Manager, Pierce County Library System; Ben Haines, Senior Librarian, Pierce County Library System; Kendall Brookhart, Adult Services Librarian, Pierce County Library System; Liz Athey, Digital Literacy Associate, Pierce County Library System
Track: Serving Adults

Computer Science in the School Library
Every 21st-century student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. The basics help nurture creativity and problem-solving skills, and prepare students for any future career. This workshop will help LITS develop a deeper understanding of computer science and generate ideas for teaching and supporting teachers whether it's through the curriculum or hosting an Hour of Code. As Information Technology Specialists, we have the unique opportunity to provide leadership in our elementary schools to ensure that all students are comfortable and competent computer scientists.

Speaker: Marianne Costello, Library Information and Technology Specialist at Edmonds K-12, CS Fundamentals Coordinator at Code.org
Track: Serving Youth

WA Do I Read Next: The Year's Best from Washington State Authors
Come enjoy a lively review of works recently published by Washington State authors in this second annual presentation of what we hope will become a popular WLA tradition. Learn about the best of our state’s literary bounty across the full spectrum of fiction and non-fiction for all ages in this fun, swiftly-paced presentation by a panel of librarians from across the state. Plan to hear about great local talent to buy for your library and share with your patrons.

Sponsor: Washington Center for the Book
Sheri Boggs, Youth Collection Development Librarian, Spokane County Library District; Andrea Gough, Librarian - Reader Services, Seattle Public Library; Emily Calkins, Readers’ Services Specialist, King County Library System; Linda Johns, Reader Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library; Jackie Parker, Lead Librarian for Readers’ Services, Sno-Isle Libraries

Track: All Ages Engagement

Engaging Quiet Students with Digital Tools
Every classroom has students with great ideas who are quiet (for various reasons, perhaps including introversion) and leave others to dominate discussions. How can you encourage quiet students to engage in class discussions and activities? How can you balance class discussions and activities so that more students are participating? In this session, you will respond (as a student) to various forums, polls, and interactive assignments through free web-based tools. You will then practice using these tools to create a discussion-starter you can use.

Speaker: Lauren Wolter, Instructional Technology Coach, Edmonds School District; Lauren Wishkoski, K-12 Library Coordinator and Secondary Instructional Coach, Edmonds School District
Track: Technology & Innovation

There Is More Than One State Library...Meet ALL the Olympia Libraries!
Most librarians are aware of the Washington State Library--but do you know what it does and how it can help you and your patrons? And did you know there are multiple other state-funded libraries in Olympia that have a wealth of information and resources to support you and your patrons? The DOT library has detailed information about the history of roads, interstates and bridges--what they used to be called, how they were funded; when they were built, and what early photographs looked like. The State Law Library has a mission of outreach and helping the citizens of Washington with issues of social justice. Come hear about the "other" libraries in Olympia and help us spread the word about these valuable state resources.

Sponsor: Washington State Library
 Rob Mead, Law Librarian, Washington State Law Library; Lisa Euster, Librarian, Department of Ecology; Stephanie Earls, Librarian, Geology Library; Kathy Szolmayer, Librarian, Department of Transportation Library; Crystal Lentz Rowe, Deputy State Librarian, Washington State Library; Lisa Engvall, Librarian, Department of Labor & Industries Library
Track: Connections & Collaborations

More Than Just a Student Voice: Facilitating Student Leadership Development through the Library Student Liaison Program
This session presents the development and implementation of the library student liaison program at Eastern Washington University Libraries over nine consecutive years. Originally designed to promote, through peer communication, the use of library resources and services, this program evolved into an experiential learning experience for everyone involved. Student liaisons were encouraged to integrate their own educational experiences through creative exploration and effective mentoring. The students developed leadership, communication, organizational, and marketing skills in an environment that both fosters and supports social responsibility and civic engagement. Paricipants will leave with clear ideas about planning and implementing similar programs in their own libraries.

Speakers: Qing Meade, Diversity and Inclusion Librarian, Eastern Washington University; Suzanne Milton, Dean of Libraries and Learning Commons, Eastern Washington University
Track: Professional Development

Social Justice Conversations: Listen Up! Let’s Break It Down (3 hours)
How can the library become a forum for discussing issues of social justice? Find out how to create programs for teens and adults that engage participants in conversations about issues that are relevant and personal, including hunger, immigration, racism and racial stereotypes, restorative justice, Islam, and sexual assault. Learn about ways to prepare panel discussions, host films, and moderate conversations. Participate in real conversations centered around chapters from the Seattle Times series “Under Our Skin” to practice and brainstorm various approaches to community discussions about important and sensitive topics.

Speakers: Carrie Bowman, Teen Services Librarian, King County Library System; Naomi Sanyika Moore, Seattle Central College student and former Library Teen Advisory Board member; Arwa Mokdad, Mercer Island High School student and Library Teen Advisory Board member
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Current Library Legislation: An Overview
Learn what issues impacting libraries arose during the most recent legislative sessions! Topics will include discussion of what the McCleary negotiation results mean for school and academic libraries, as well as early learning/summer learning programs, funding of the state library archives building, digital citizenship, service animals, election result impact on the 2018 session, and much more. Bring your questions for WLA's legislative lobbyist!

Speaker: Carolyn Logue, WLA Lobbyist
Track: Resource Development

3:45pm - 5:00pm 

The Challenge of Literacy and Practical Ways Libraries Can Make a Difference
This session will present the impact of under-education among adults, the literacy needs of immigrants in our communities, programs offered to assist these populations, and ways that libraries can partner and contribute to solving this challenge in order to increase economic self-sufficiency in our communities. Presenters will describe programs offered through the community, technical colleges, and community-based organizations, as well as practical strategies that libraries can employ to attract adult literacy and English language learners. Participants will discover new ways to connect with adults who may not frequent libraries, but are working to learn English and improve their literacy, and leave with plans for next steps toward implementing promising strategies for their communities.

Sponsor: Academic Library Division
Jon Kerr
Director, Basic Education for Adults Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; Troy Goracke, Program Administrator, Basic Education for Adults, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; Mindy McCormick Coslor, Ph.D., M.Libr., Director of Library Services, Skagit Valley College; Elizabeth Iaukea, Project Manager, Washington State Library
Track: Serving Adults

Finding Their Own Voices: A Fresh Approach to Teaching about Plagiarism
The roots of plagiarism are more complex than challenges with attribution and citations. In fact, we could say that student weaknesses in attribution and citation are simply symptoms of larger issues: students don't know what to say and don't understand the collaborative nature of research. In this session, participants will examine a fresh approach to teaching about plagiarism through discussions and activities on developing credibility as a writer and research as collaboration. These discussions and activities can then be used with students.

Speaker: Molly Berger, English Language Arts Specialist, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Track: Serving Youth

Real People, Real Stories, Free Resources: Holocaust Teaching Trunks and the Speakers Bureau
Real People: Hear first-hand about the story of a courageous woman who rescued Jews during the Holocaust. Real Stories: Holocaust Teaching Trunks provide hands-on learning with primary sources like artifacts, videos, books and activities. And they are free. Holocaust Teaching Trunks will help you to meet common core standards and your educational goals, while providing reputable materials for your library.

Give your students the opportunity to learn about the Holocaust through discovery, story, and critical thinking. Challenge them to be upstanders. In this session, participants will hear stories from the descendant of an eye-witness to the Holocaust, explore the contents of a trunk, and discuss guidelines for teaching the Holocaust effectively.

Sponsor: Holocaust Center for Humanity
Speakers: Ilana Cone Kennedy, Director of Education, Holocaust Center for Humanity; Jack Schaloum, Legacy Speaker, Holocaust Center for Humanity Speakers Bureau

Track: All Ages Engagement

Integrating Digital Citizenship: It’s Common Sense!
This workshop is about how to build a classroom, library, whole-school, or whole-community digital citizenship initiative. Designed for K-12 or Public librarians who want to collaborate with teachers and leaders to integrate digital citizenship lessons into the existing curriculum. Librarians who attend this session will be ready to pilot the use of the Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship materials in their work with peers and community. Learn how to become a Common Sense Education Certified teacher/school/library/district. BYOD (laptop or tablet) for best access to the digital resources that will be shared in this session! All conference materials will be made available to attendees under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Speakers: Liz Ebersole, M.Ed. Digital Education Leadership (anticipated May 2017), Seattle Pacific University; Ann Hayes-Bell, NBCT-Librarian & Technology Integration Specialist, Shoreline School District
Track: Technology & Innovation

Partnering with Your Park
Take the library outside by partnering with your local park! One library system has partnered with the Olympic National Park in a variety of fun and engaging programs for patrons over the last four years, including: installing poetry signs along trails; circulating daypacks filled with field guides, binoculars and a park pass; offering writing workshops and special storytimes in the park; and collecting oral histories about National Park experiences. In this session, learn more about programming ideas, how to successfully work with your local park or natural resources organization, and how to navigate the planning and implementation logistics.

Speakers: Noah Glaude, Assistant Library Director, North Olympic Library System; Danielle Lepping, Librarian, North Olympic Library System; Dean Butterworth, Outreach and Education Specialist, Olympic National Park
Track: Connections & Collaborations

PNLA & WLA – Past & Future
The Pacific Northwest Library Association (PNLA) is a regional organization bringing together library professionals and advocates from all walks of library life in the northwest United States and Canada. The Washington Library Association does the same for our state. These two organizations have a long and collaborative relationship, including WLA’s annual support for and participation in PNLA Leads, a biennial leadership institute. What more can we be doing to work together and in support of our members? Join PNLA and WLA leadership for a background on the two Associations, and participate in a facilitated discussion of what our future might hold.

Sponsor: PNLA
Speakers: Jenny Grenfell, Past-President, Pacific Northwest Library Association; Heidi Chittim, PNLA and WLA representative, Eastern Washington University; Brianna Hoffman, President, Washington Library Association
Track: Professional Development

It’s Not "Just the Facts, Ma’am": Creating & Marketing a Dynamite Youth Non-Fiction Collection
Discover tips on building and promoting an eye-catching, dynamic youth non-fiction collection from a member of the ALSC 2017 Sibert Award (for best informational book for youth) Committee. We’ll look at ways to practice strategic selection and purchasing; methods to increase circulation through displays; creative cataloging; and savvy practices that help you stretch your budget while creating a nonfiction collection kids will devour.

Speaker: Marge Loch-Wouters, Youth Consultant, Southwest Wisconsin Library System
Track: Resource Management 

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Saturday, November 4

10:00am - 11:15am

Nine Months Old: Legal Developments Since Inauguration Day, and How to Help Your Patrons Navigate Them
Confusion. Outrage. Relief. No matter their opinion, the new President's policies have many library patrons wondering about how and where to find information on changes in the law, and the potential impact on their rights. This session is a legal reference 101 for our changing times. Get an overview of some key legal developments since the Trump Administration and 115th Congress began, and discuss how libraries can be best prepared to conduct a legal reference interview and answer sticky legal questions. We will also cover available reliable legal resources and access to government information.

Speakers: Rob Mead, State Law Librarian, Washington State Law Library; Laura Edmonston, Reference Librarian, Washington State Law Library; Elly Krumwiede, Reference Specialist, Washington State Law Library
Track: Serving Adults

Yoga Storytime: Bend & Stretch Your Body & Mind
Add a twist to your storytimes with yoga. Stories come alive when children actively participate and move. Yoga teaches children how to use their bodies and minds together and helps them focus. Learn how to weave yoga into your storytimes. No yoga experience necessary, but be prepared to move, have fun, and breathe deeply! Presented by a certified yoga instructor for children. Participants will: learn how to add yoga into their storytime routines; identify key reasons and rationale for integrating yoga into library storytimes; learn yoga poses, songs, rhymes, games, and breathing techniques; and acquire a list of book titles to easily adapt for yoga storytimes.

Speaker: Jennifer Lu'Becke, Youth Services Specialist, North Olympic Library System
Track: Serving Youth

STEM, STEAM or STREAM for All Ages!
STEM, STEAM, or STREAM programs offer fun learning opportunities for patrons and students of all ages in the areas of science, tech, reaading, engineering, art, and math. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination! Need a new angle? Some inspiration? Connections to district, state and national standards? Learn how to create programs that inspire your whole community, introducing them to new worlds of science and art from your own backyard!

Speakers: Erin G. Bethel, Teacher Librarian - Media Specialist, NBCT EMC LIT, Board of Directors Pierce County Library Foundation
Track: All Ages Engagement

Tech Tuesday: Trials and Triumphs in Tiny Town Technology Training
At a small county library, we have held tech classes every Tuesday for the last three years. It begins with an hour class on topics ranging from Windows 10 to fitness apps and following it is a two-hour open tech session, patrons can come in with any question and we will attempt to answer it. We will be sharing what worked for us, what didn't, taking the tech show on the road and the struggles that come with teaching over a period of time.

Sponsor: Jefferson County Library
Kris Becker, Acquisitions Librarian, Jefferson County Library; Daniel Heaton, Systems and Technical Services Manager, Jefferson County Library
Track: Technology & Innovation

Harnessing the Power of Kindness and Gratitude to Build Better Relationships at Work and in Your Personal Life
Both kindness and gratitude are important ingredients to a happy life as well as essential to building strong personal and professional relationships. Learn practical strategies from the fields of positive psychology, team dynamics, and organizational psychology to cultivate more positivity in yourself, your relationships, and your teams by harnessing the power of kindness and gratitude. Delve into what it means to practice “kind communication” and how this can improve your relationships. Attendees will learn what a massive study undertaken by Google teaches us about team dynamics and how taking the time to pause and celebrate small successes can prime you for future success.

Sponsor: Pierce County Library System
 David Seckman, Senior Librarian, Pierce County Library System
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Making Employee Training Stick: A Hands-On Program for Supervisors
As a supervisor, one of your key responsibilities is to develop your staff, including sending them to trainings. What can you do to help your staff get the most out of their training experience? How can you help them use more of what they learn back on the job? This interactive program will provide you with practical tools and strategies to help your staff get more out of the trainings they attend. All/any library supervisors are welcome.

Speakers: Terry McQuown, Staff Development Coordinator, King County Library System; Andrew Sanderbeck, Founder, People-Connect Institute
Track: Professional Development

Catalyst for Diversity: The Role of Library Engagement in Transformative Cross-Cultural Learning
The evolving role of academic libraries in the 21st century offers greater partnership opportunities to expand cultural awareness and civic engagement. Located in a more demographically homogeneous environment, Eastern Washington University Libraries initiated a dialogue and engaged local, regional, and national partners to foster and support transformative learning experiences through cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary event programming. Creating sensory experiences, learners have the opportunity to engage, reflect, and process psychocultural assumptions and transform "meaning perspectives.”

Speakers: Qing Meade, Diversity and Inclusion Librarian/Assistant Professor, Eastern Washington University; Suzanne Milton, Dean of Libraries, Eastern Washington University
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Information Equity in the College Library
Inspired by the work of Dr. Safiya Noble, a professor of Information Studies at UCLA whose research interests include socio-cultural informatics, a group of librarians will give a presentation and facilitate a conversation on the hidden and inherent biases in information. This conversation will include issues like the socio-ethics of Google, the vagaries of Library of Congress subject headings, and the surprisingly amount of politically-motivated misinformation in reference works—all of which require patrons to become more critical evaluators of information. We will also “follow the money” to expose how fewer corporations are owning larger shares of the information industry. The presenters hope to share their expertise about how to make information creation, discovery, and use more equitable at your institution.

Speakers: Lesley Caldwell, Systems and Instruction Librarian, Pierce College; Kathy Swart, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Pierce College; Rachel Goon, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Pierce College
Track: Resource Management

2:00pm - 3:15pm

The Path to U.S. Citizenship Can Start at Libraries
Public libraries play a critical role in helping immigrant communities find the information and support they need to begin their path towards U.S. citizenship. This session will cover how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services collaborates with public libraries throughout the country to provide information and resources about becoming a citizen to library patrons. The session will feature a representative from a Washington public library who will discuss the library’s citizenship education initiatives, such as offering citizenship classes. Participants will leave with an understanding of the valuable services they can provide to immigrant communities and specific ways to get involved.

Speakers: Ann McAllen, Adult Programming Coordinator, Whatcom County Library System; Leanne Leigh, Chief of Staff, Department of Homeland Security; Nicole Al Khafaji, USCIS Immigration Services Officer
Track: Serving Adults

Connecting Readers and Writers with a Little Help from SCBWI
Four authors who are members of the Society of Book Writers and Illustrators, an international professional organization for writers & illustrators of children’s content, will talk about specific ways libraries can partner with authors and illustrators to develop the empathetic imagination, create readers, express creativity, and build lifelong learners. This session will present a variety of creative events that have successfully brought writers and readers together, and events for rural and small town libraries as well.

Speakers: Maureen McQuerry, Author, SCBWI; Mary Cronk Farrell, SCBWI Inland NW president, Author; Annette Pimentel, Author, SCBWI; Steve Wallenfels, Author, SCBWI
Track: Serving Youth

The Socially Conscious Library and What It Means 
As our society becomes more socially-conscious, libraries (staff and administrations) and our public are finding themselves caught in the middle of the discussion, interest and debate. This session intends to articulate what it means to be a socially-conscious library, issues libraries face in doing-so and charting a path to full engagement as a socially-conscious library.

Speaker: Marcellus Turner, City Librarian, Seattle Public Library
Track: All Ages Engagement

Secure Communication Line Resources
This session introduces various methods of communication like Signal, Tor, and VPNs that librarians can use and promote to students. Best practices will be discussed, along with uses for these alternative communication lines. Participants will be capable of identifying resources for secure communication and will also have the opportunity to to create their accounts.

Speaker: Caitlin Bagley, Instruction Librarian, Gonzaga University
Track: Innovation & Technology

Using Google Hangouts for Virtual Author Visits, Read-Alouds, & Library Projects
Can't afford an author visit? Love your public librarian's booktalks but the commute to your school can waste time? Want to really "Read Across America?" Learn how to use Google Hangouts or Skype to visit with authors, participate in book talks and read-alouds, connect the public and school library, or involve students in virtual library projects. You will learn ways to set you and your students and patrons up for a successful online hangout. Attendees, both public and school librarians, will actively participate in a Google Hangout or Skype (bring your device) and leave the session with a plan for their own author visit, read-aloud, or global collaborative project.​

Sponsor: Shoreline School District
 Ann Hayes-Bell, Technology Integration Specialist, Shoreline School District; Shauna Yusko, Teacher-Librarian, Bureau of Education & Research; Ann-Marie Begnaud, Direct Sales Consultant, Capstone Publishing
Track: Connections & Collaborations

Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow: Incorporating Liberating Structures in Your Next Meeting
Liberating Structures are easy-to-learn microstructures that foster lively participation in groups of any size, making it possible to truly include and unleash everyone. They provide an alternative approach to group facilitation that is easy to learn and simple to implement for a variety of purposes from page meeting to board discussion.

Join us in an exploration of why the conventional formats used in meetings are often too inhibiting or too disorganized to creatively engage people in shaping their own future, and how you can bring Liberating Structures into your next staff meeting or planning session to enhance your group’s ability to build trust, coordinate effectively and reveal the latent innovations waiting to be implemented.

Sponsor: Whatcom County Library System
Erin Suda, Public Services Assistant, Whatcom County Library System; Katrina Carabba, Branch Manager, Whatcom County Library System
Track: Professional Development

Social Justice in the Library  
At the 1998 ALA conference, Senator Wendell Ford said, “If information is the currency of democracy, then libraries are its banks.” Libraries increasingly pay dividends to our democracy. Join a public and a school librarian to actively discuss the role of social justice in libraries. The audience is encouraged to bring examples of activism at their library (images, ephemera, etc) to share with the group. Participants will leave with ideas for displays, programming, and purchasing that can be implemented immediately.

Speakers: Leah Griffin, Librarian, University Prep; Jennifer Wooten, Teen Services Librarian, King County Library System
Track: Diversity & Inclusion

Demand-Driven Selection
How can public libraries improve customer satisfaction with electronic resources when the vendor manages the user interface? How can we make our print selection more customer-focused while tailoring our budget to demand? In 2016, one library system developed Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) with their eBook vendor to allow customers to instantly access digital materials, and a print biography patron-driven acquisitions project (PDA) to empower customers to decide which titles and how many copies to purchase. Library staff will share the results of the DDA and PDA projects, adjustments that we made along the way, and lessons learned.

Speakers: Michael Hawkins, Electronic Resources Librarian, Sno-Isle Libraries; Darren Nelson, Collection Development Librarian, Sno-Isle Libraries
Track: Resource Management

3:45pm - 5:00pm

The Past Is a Secondary World: Increasing Readership of Historical Fiction Among Children and Young Adults
In recent years, readership of fantasy, magical realism, and science fiction has increased significantly among children and young adults. In this session, we’ll discuss strategies to draw these young readers into historical fiction by exposing them to the idea that the past is a secondary world comparable to any imagined one. Attendees will learn to identify links between fantasy and historical settings, develop strategies to encourage young people to diversify their reading, and gain confidence in recommending historical fiction to a larger variety of readers.

Speaker: J. Anderson Coats, Author
Track: Serving Youth

I’m Making a Mini-Con Here - Huge Success!
Dreaming of hosting a comic-con in your library, but not sure how to make it a reality? Our panelists will discuss their experiences in running a mini-con and share information on how to get started, achieve buy-in from administration, provide staffing, plan programs, connect with creators, and pitfalls to avoid. A comic-con is a great way to connect your community, empower teen leadership, utilize volunteers, and highlight the library’s unique services.

Speakers: Bonnie Svitavsky, Young Adult Librarian, Puyallup Public Library; Kirsten Edwards, Teen Services Librarian, King County Library System; Sara Holloway, Librarian, Tacoma Public Library; Alex Byrne, Youth Services Librarian, Pierce County Library System 
Track: All Ages Engagement

Lean Principles and ILS Data to Improve Your Technical Services Workflow
Are your customers waiting forever for the latest bestsellers? Are replacement copies of older titles creeping through the workflow? Are technical services staff tripping over stacks of boxed materials and overwhelmed by yet another delivery of freight? In this session, library staff will share their experience in applying Lean principles and data-driven decision-making to analyze, identify, implement, and evaluate our workflows in order to improve customer service. We'll talk about what we've learned so far, and how we've begun to build a Lean culture that continues to find new ways to improve our processes.

Speaker: Jim McCluskey, Assistant Manager, Collection Development, Sno-Isle Libraries
Track: Technology & Innovation

Microsoft Certified Educator: Where Technology and Education Meet
The Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) certification validates that educators have the technology literacy competencies needed to provide a rich, custom learning experience for students. Through a single exam, MCE demonstrates that educators have achieved technology literacy competency in six content areas, mapped to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, Technology Literacy: Education policy, Curriculum and assessment, Pedagogy, ICT/technology tools, Organization and administration, and Professional development. This program includes self-assessment tools for educators to put to work, along with free Teaching with Technology (TwT) online courses that will prepare you for the MCE certification exam, plus information about free exam opportunities across Washington state.

Speaker: Elizabeth Iaukea, Digital Inclusion Librarian, Washington State Library
Track: Professional Development

Infographics, Monthly Memos, and Advocating for Your Program!
It’s hard to “toot your own horn” and librarians (in general) are notoriously bad at this. However, a monthly memo can be a fairly easy and effective method of advocacy for your library program. Infographics can be a way to quickly and easily communicate the great things that we know we are doing in our libraries! In this session, we’ll discuss various formats and methods for doing a monthly memo. Examples and templates will be shared, as well as information about how this has helped one school district’s library programs.

Speaker: Kimberly Rose, Teacher-Librarian, Puyallup School District
Track: Resource Management

School Library Summit, Saturday, November 4

8:30am - 9:20am

Summit Morning Keynote: Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
The world is awash in bullsh*t. Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science is conducted by press release. Higher education rewards bullsh*t over analytic thought. Startup culture elevates it to high art. Advertisers wink conspiratorially and invite us to join them in seeing through all the bullsh*t — and take advantage of our lowered guard to bombard us with even more. The majority of administrative activity, whether in private business or the public sphere, seems to be little more than a sophisticated exercise in the combinatorial reassembly of bullsh*t. We're sick of it. It's time to do something, and as educators, one constructive thing we know how to do is to teach people. Help students navigate the bullsh*t-rich modern environment by identifying it, seeing through it, and combating it with effective analysis and argument.

Speakers: Carl T. Bergstrom, Professor, University of Washington Department of Biology; Jevin D. West, Assistant Professor, University of Washington iSchool

9:30am - 11:00am

The Neuroscience of Story
Ursula K. Le Guin wrote, "There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories." Our brains are hard-wired for narrative, and stories drive what we learn, how we think, and how we react to the world around us. This session will explore what the latest neuroscience says about how our brains incorporate and respond to stories, and our role in creating the stories of schools, classrooms, and libraries.

Speaker: Conn McQuinn, Consultant, McQuinnable Educational Services

Digital Citizenship & Media Literacy
Senate Bill 5449 requires the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to, among other things, conduct a survey to determine ways in which teacher-librarians, principals, and technology directors can lead, teach, and support digital citizenship and media literacy across all grades and content areas. In this session, members of the Washington state Digital Citizenship Advisory Committee will present the bill and answer questions. We will then break out into small groups led to develop strategies for leading, teaching, and supporting digital citizenship and media literacy across all grades and content areas.

Speakers: Marianne Costello, Library Information and Technology Specialist at Edmonds K-12, WLA-ScLD Chairperson; Sharyn Merrigan, Instructional Technology Specialist in Olympia School District and past WLA-ScLD President; Mark Ray, Chief Digital Officer of Vancouver School District and Future Ready Library Leader; Shelby Reynolds, Manager for Instructional Technology and Library Services, Northshore School District; Dennis Small, Educational Technology Director, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI); Craig Seasholes, Teacher-Librarian at Dearborn Park International Elementary in Seattle Public Schools, International Library Advocate, WLA President Elect, Past WLA-ScLD Chairperson; Dave Sonnen, Teacher-Librarian at Sherwood Elementary School, Edmonds School District, Past WLMA President

11:10am - 12:00pm

Chat with the Awards Committee Chairs
Join the chairs of the 2017 Newbery and Caldecott Committees, Thom Barthelmess and Rhonda Gould, and the chair of the 2018 Newbery Committee, Cecilia McGowan, for a lively discussion of a year in the life of chairing a national children's book award committee. Learn what it takes to become a chair, what the committee work entails, and exactly how many books they received during their evaluation year. They will also talk about award criteria, balloting, the Youth Media Awards, the banquet, and the approach of each to create a memorable and rewarding experience for their committee members.

Speakers: Rhonda K. Gould, Executive Director, Walla Walla County Rural Library District; Thom Barthelmess, Youth Services Manager, Whatcom County Library System; Cecilia McGowan, Youth Services Coordinator, King County Library System

What's New with Destiny?
Attendees of this presentation will gain a deeper understanding on the latest features in Destiny Library Manager, which is used by over 65,000 schools across the US. Version 15.0 of Destiny Library Manager was released in the summer of 2017 and includes updates and enhancements to the Destiny Discover search interface which supports easy discovery and access for all of your print and digital content. Designed for use by teachers as well as students and librarians, Destiny Discover allows access to WebPath Express and One Search resources, as well as publisher-hosted digital content.

Speakers: Brian Hanser, Sales Consultant, Follett School Solutions; Marianne Costello, Library Information and Technology Specialist at Edmonds K-12; Stephanie Wilson, Teacher-Librarian, Mariner High School, Mukilteo School District

12:00pm - 2:00pm

School Library Awards Lunch & Business Meeting with Coe Booth
Speaking of her critically acclaimed first novel, Tyrell, Coe Booth says "I wanted to give readers a realistic portrayal of what it's like to grow up in hard circumstances, especially when you have only yourself to count on." Born and raised in the Bronx, Coe Booth has been writing since she was in second grade. "Of course, back then my novels were just loose-leaf paper stapled together," says Coe, "but the stories were mine and I was proud of them." While she was in college, Coe Booth held many jobs, among them teaching creative writing and video production to children and teens. "My favorite job at that time was teaching memoir writing to senior citizens," states Coe. "I loved hearing all about their lives: growing up in the Bronx back in the 30s and 40s, their first loves, and all about how they had to fight to overcome racial discrimination back then. They had real powerful stories to write about." After she graduated from college, Coe started working with teenagers and families in crisis. "A lot of the teens I worked with were homeless, involved with gangs, or addicted to drugs. Some were victims of child abuse and neglect. It was a tough job, but I was always impressed by the teens' survival skills." About her novel, Kendra, Coe says "I wanted to write about the complicated choices one teenager makes—and the lengths she goes to just to feel wanted." Coe Booth lives in the Bronx, New York.

Speaker: Coe Booth, author

 2:00pm - 2:50pm

Talking Up the Towner Award
The Towner Award is voted on by students in the state of Washington and serves to honor excellence in informational texts intended for students grades 2-6. Every spring, a select group of school and public librarians gather at an undisclosed location in the middle of the state to put together the Towner’s shortlist – a process involving passionate discussion, incisive inquiry, and even a good-natured argument or two. Join the 2017 Towner Awards committee for a behind-the-scenes look at this year’s winners and how they were chosen, and leave with ideas for how to use these outstanding nonfiction books in the classroom, school library, and public library.

Speakers: Charity Cree, Programs Manager, Mid-Columbia Libraries; Rochelle Brown, Librarian, King County Library System; Carter Kemp, Librarian, Seattle Public Schools; Sheri Boggs, Youth Collection Development Librarian, Spokane County Library District

Grant Writing for School Library Programs 
Inequity in school library funding sources can offer opportunities for qualifying for grants. This sessions offers tops for successfully obtain grant funding for your innovative library ideas and/or addressing your school's high needs. Learn how to locate and select local, foundation, and government grants that supplement inadequate budgets. Discover ways to improve chances for successful funding and strategies by matching identified school population needs to the grant funder’s priorities. Includes tips on how to collect and use evidence that demonstrates impact on student learning.

Sponsor: Antioch University Seattle
Speakers: Christie Kaaland, Core Faculty, Antioch University Seattle; Deb Kachel, Adjunct Faculty, Antioch University Seattle

3:00pm - 3:50pm

Core Voices: Infusing Indigenous Perspectives to Library Collections
In 2015, the Washington State Legislature passed SB5433 requiring the Since Time Immemorial Tribal Sovereignty curriculum be taught in every public K-12 classroom. This new mandate provides both collection development challenges and opportunities all types of libraries. As part of the Brooks Library’s plan to meet this challenge, Ginny Blackson applied for and received the 2016 Smithsonian Libraries’ Neville-Pribram Mid-Career Educators Award. The award provided the opportunity to conduct research at the National Museum of the American Indian and Vine Deloria Jr. Library.

This presentation will focus on the results of that research. Attendees will learn about tools to build outstanding collections that include indigenous perspectives. The session will explore ways to identify and evaluate Native American and Alaska Native resources. Additional, the presentation will discuss Ms. Blackson’s experience as a Smithsonian Fellow and information on Smithsonian Fellowships available to librarians.

Speaker: Ginny Norris Blackson, Collection Development Librarian, James E Brooks Library, Central Washington University

Sasquatch Intermediate Grade Book Award 2018: Tips and Tricks
School and public librarians will learn about WLA's Sasquatch Middle Grade Book Award, programming tips and tricks, the 2018 Sasquatch Award nominees-- including student opinions. If possible, the session will include presentation of the award to the winner of the 2017 Sasquatch Award with time for questions and answers.

Speakers: Alpha S. DeLap, Librarian and Media Specialist, St. Thomas School; Teresa Wittmann, Teacher-Librarian, Edmonds School District

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Top5 – Titles that Reach the Students You Teach: Grades 6-12
Pick a genre. Pick a grade level. Betcha that you have a go-to author, go-to title, go-to character, a go-to discussion prompt. Join Puget Sound Council member-reviewers and librarians from around the state as they share their Top Five Rich Reads for 2016-2017. We’re exploring by genre and grade level and sharing what makes the titles rich for students and staff. We want to hear your ideas about how to make these books even richer. Tell us what’s fresh in your library. Picks available here. There will also be books to give away!

Speaker: Eve Datisman, Resourceress, Librarian w/o Boundaries, Puget Sound Council for Reviewing Children's and YA Literature; Brooke Shirts, Chair, Puget Sound Council for Reviewing; Nancy Fisher-Allison, John Rogers Elementary, Seattle Public Schools 

Finding Their Own Voices: A Fresh Approach to Teaching about Plagiarism
The roots of plagiarism are more complex than challenges with attribution and citations. In fact, we could say that student weaknesses in attribution and citation are simply symptoms of larger issues: students don't know what to say and don't understand the collaborative nature of research. In this session, participants will examine a fresh approach to teaching about plagiarism through discussions and activities on developing credibility as a writer and research as collaboration. These discussions and activities can then be used with students.

Speaker: Molly Berger, English Language Arts Specialist, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

2018 Washington Children's Choice Picture Book Award Nominees
Attendees will be introduced to the 2018 WCCPBA nominee books, picture books that are selected with K-3 grade levels in mind. Lesson plans and extended activity ideas will help teachers/librarians introduce these books successfully with students. Break-out sessions will provide a variety of activities and lesson ideas for using these books in your classrooms and libraries.

Speaker: Barb Hagerty, WCCPBA Co-Chair; Mimi Vosper, WCCPBA Co-Chair, Amy Cook, WCCPBA Committee, Canyon View Elementary

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